If This Gets Out

I have a tendency to lean toward liking books about the music industry, so when I heard about If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich, I had to check it out. The book is a cute romance centered around the members of a boy band called Saturday. The four members met at a summer camp, got signed, and launched into boy band stardom.

But at least one member is suffering – Ruben Montez, who has been asking the management company to let him release the information that he is gay for years. They keep pushing him off. But things get very complicated when one drunken night in Europe, his bandmate, Zach Knight, kisses him. And what a kiss! Problem is, Zach has always thought of himself as straight, and is now wondering if his kissing Ruben (and liking it!) makes him bi or what.

In addition to having to manage being superstars under the control of their management company, Zach and Ruben now have a secret they’re keeping from their best friends and bandmates Angel and Jon. As the relationship deepens, the complications rise and their management company still refuses to let them come out to their fans and the world.

I really loved the escalating plot of this story, told in alternating points of view from both Ruben and Zach. All four of the main characters felt very well-developed and real. This was a fun book and I hope Gonzales and Dietrich had as much fun writing it as I did reading it.

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Author: Jodi Lyn

A high school teacher, pre-published novelist, avid reader, photographer.

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